A young Barack Obama smoking in front his family's hut in Kenya, Africa before he quit around 2009 A picture of Barack Obama enjoying a smoke with a friend in Kenya ...
Read moreIn the series titled "Hunger Pains”, a team of 15 designers and led by Ami Good heart of SOTO Productions, created exquisite outfits entirely of real food and were meant to depict meals that the person was craving. Each garment took hours to cook, create and assemble. The...
Read moreBerlin-based artist Ralf Schoenberg has constructed a gigantic igloo made entirely of old refrigerators in the center of Hamburg, Germany. The 11 meter-wide igloo is made from 322 old refrigerators attached to a metal frame. Inside is an extraordinary collection of gadgets inc...
Read moreA luxurious hotel suite - complete with four-poster bed, state-of-the-art sound system and fine dining - for just £15 a night has opened up at Hertfordshire. At the Long croft Luxury Cat Hotel in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, feline guests can have a pampering break of th...
Read moreAn unusual spa treatment is being offered in London which exfoliates your feet using 150 fish. The Garra rufa fish have no teeth and nibble away dead skin using suction-shaped mouths leaving healthy new skin underneath untouched. The carp, which originated in Turkey, have long...
Read moreMost game consoles are made in China and Chinese prisoners are often forced to play World of Warcraft so the government can collect their loot and sell it to other players, which is why it seems so utterly bizarre that China doesn't allow the sale of gaming consoles. The ban t...
Read moreKISS on the hand means: FRIENDSHIP. KISS on the nose means: YOU’RE CUTE. KISS on the cheek means: I NEED YOU. KISS on the neck means: I WANT YOU. KISS on the lips means: I LOVE YOU. Kissing with eyes closed means: I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU. KISS on the Forehead - T...
Read moreNo, he’s not homeless, he’s not poor, and he’s definitely not unemployed. In fact, this guy is a technology mogul…but he only owns 15 things (not including socks and undies). Andrew Hyde, an itinerant blogger-cum-interface designer who owns only 15 items. Currently residing i...
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